The Lighting Laboratory of the NTUA disposes state of
the art equipment, unique for greek standards and comparable with the equipment
of the best european laboratories. The capabilities for quality control testing
and measurements and for research activities are various and numerous.
The main
equipment is intended to cover the three main functional activities of the
laboratory which are: a) training of
NTUA students, b) scientific research
(funded or not) and c) support of the greek industries concerning the quality
control of lighting products.
main equipment involves:
- Digitally controlled goniophotometer for luminous
intensity distributions.
- Spiral goniophotometer for luminous flux of lamps
and of small lighting fixtures.
- 3 integration (Ulbricht) spheres with a diameter of
2.5, 1.0 and 0.25 m respectively.
- Photometric bench.
- Artificial rain arrangement.
- Three chambers with controlable temperature and
humidity conditions.
- Spectrophotometer with monochromator and two sensors
for ultraviolet (UV-A, B, C), visible and infrared (IR-A,B), measurements.
- Spectrophotometer with monochromator for infrared
(IR-A,B,C), measurements.
- Digital spectrophotometer with two diffraction
gratings and optical fibers for ultraviolet (UV-A, B, C), visible and infrared
(IR-A), measurements.
- Two photomultipliers.
- Radiometer with human eye spectral response filter.
- Sensors for measuring luminous radiation,
connectable to computers.
- Various lux-meters, bench-type and field-type.
- Luminance-meters, bench-type and field-type.
- Camera system for
road and tunnel luminanance measurements on moving hehicle
- CRTs luminance meters.
- Standard lamps (incadescent and metal-halide)
calibrated in terms of luminous flux.
- Standard lamps (incadescent ) calibrated in terms of
black body temperature.
- Standard lamps (fluorescent) calibrated in terms of
luminous flux.
- Standard lamps (fluorescent) calibrated in terms of
black body temperature.
- Standard ballasts 20-250 W.
- Ultraviolet and infrared lamps.
- Storage oscilloscopes.
- Data acquisition systems.
- A/D converters.
- Computers, colour inkjet and laser printers, colour
scaner, colour plotter et.c.
- Recording instruments, amplifiers, frequency
generators, voltage and current sources.
- Voltage stabilisers for standard lamps.
- Photographic equipment and a fully equiped darkroom.
Futhermore, the
laboratory disposes state of the art instruments needed for measurements as
transformers, voltmeters, ammeters, electric power meters, electric energy
meters, cosφ meters, frequency meters, thermometers, recording instruments as
well as tools and materials as part of a complete infrastructure. The organic
connection of the laboratory with the other laboratories of the Electric Power Division of the NTUA assures the
increased capabilities of the Lighting Laboratory
to perform measurements and tests on broad aspects.