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Δημοσιεύσεις σε τεχνικά περιοδικά
  • N. Chondrakis, L. Doulos, F.V. Topalis: “Os reatores eletrônicos dimerizáveis e seu impacto na vida útil das lâmpadas”, Iluminacao, 2, Setembro 2010. 
  • L.T. Doulos, A. Tsangrassoulis, F.V. Topalis: “Commissioning of lighting sensors for optimal visual comfort and energy efficiency”, Review of Hellenic Association of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Issue 398, Athens, May 2007, pp. 40-50
  • F.V. Topalis: “Safety requirements for luminous signs accordinf to the Greek standard ELOT 1423, Technical review “Sign”, February 2007.
  • F. V. Topalis, I. F. Gonos: "Incadescent or electronic lamps?", Technical magazine “The Electrician”, Issue No.137, pp. 52-56, Athens, April 2003.
  • E. Zeinakis, K. Dimakis, F.V. Topalis: "ROADLUX: A computer programme for outdoor lighting calculations in Windows 95 environment", Bulletin of Hellenic Association of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Issue No.296, pp. 58-62, Athens, May 1997.
  • F.V. Topalis: "Energy saving management on lighting installations in buildings", Bulletin of Hellenic Association of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Issue 267, pp. 45-54, Athens, October 1994.
Lighting Laboratory - Εργαστήριο Φωτοτεχνίας